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Carlos Device (Raspberry Pi)

This guide will explain how to setup a fresh Raspberry Pi. I'm using a Raspberry Pi 3 Model B but you are free to use any other model, that supports your requirements.

Well choose the Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit) - Headless version, because we won't be needing the overhead of a desktop environment.

Once you have flashed the image to your SD card, you can boot up the Raspberry Pi and start the setup by running the following commands:

sudo raspi-config

Well configure the following settings:

1 System Options

  • S1 Wireless LAN: Configure Wifi to your needs.
  • S5 Boot / Auto Login
    • Select B1 Console Autologin - Otherwise it will be impossible to run the carlos device without a monitor and keyboard.

3 Interface Options

  • I4 I2C: Activate - We will use I2C to communicate with the sensors.

5 Localisation Options

  • L2 Timezone

Once the basic setup is done, we can start installing the required tools and dependencies:

sudo apt update # (1)
sudo apt upgrade # (2)
sudo apt install git # (3)
  1. This command will update the local package repository.
  2. This command will install all available updates.
  3. This command will install the git tool, which we will use to clone the carlos repository.

Check python version.

python3 --version

If your Python version is <3.11 you'll need to upgrade it.

This repository uses Poetry as dependency manager, thus we'll install it here as well:

curl -sSL | python3 - # (1)
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc # (2)
source ~/.bashrc # (3)
  1. This command will download and execute the official installation script.
  2. This command will add the poetry binary to the PATH.
  3. This command will reload the shell to make the changes take effect.

To ensure that poetry is installed correctly, run the following command:

poetry --version

Clone the carlos repository to the root of the device:

git clone ~/carlos

Install the virtual environment and dependencies:

cd ~/carlos/services/device
poetry install --without dev

We are now done with the installation of the device.

Register the device as a service:



Configure the device by invoking the following command:

make config