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Carlos Server (Linux)

This guide will explain how to setup a fresh Debian 12 server. But you are free to use any other Linux distribution or even a Windows server. But keep in mind that the commands and paths may differ.

To keep the maintenance effort minimal we only require and rely on:

  • git is used to clone the carlos repository and therefore allow us to update the server easily.
  • docker and docker-compose are used to run the carlos server without the need to install any dependencies on the host system.
  • cron is used to automatically renew the SSL certificates.
  • ufw is used to manage the firewall and to allow HTTP and HTTPS connections.

We install all tools by running the following commands:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install git docker-compose cron ufw

Next we configure our server to accept HTTP and HTTPS connections.

sudo ufw allow 80/tcp comment 'accept HTTP connections'
sudo ufw allow 443/tcp comment 'accept HTTPS connections'

Now you are ready to clone the carlos repository in the root of your server. If you decide to clone the repository in a different directory, make sure to adjust the paths in the docker-compose.yml files as well as all follwing scripts.

git clone /carlos

Before we can start the carlos server we need to provide it with some configuration parameters in the .env file in the root of the repository:

cp /carlos/.env.example /carlos/.env
# edit the .env file with your favorite editor
vi /carlos/.env

As a last step we run the installation script that will configure certbot and nginx to serve the carlos server over HTTPS.

sh /carlos/deployment/server/

Your server is now running and you can access it by visiting